December 29, 2013

Scrapyard Paintball

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-25


I’m playing paintball in a scrapyard, and everything is made of silvery metal (aluminum stockpile?). I’m up against roughly eight opponents and we are all equipped with inaccurate pistols. My enemies are dresses in black which stands out sharply against the silver metal, and they have the habit of standing half out of cover. I’m positioned behind some tipped over bleachers that offer me solid protection. My plan consists of slowly peeking around the left side to engage the guys in black one at a time (who are nicely spread out so that they can’t support each other). After easily shooting a few exposed enemies (the pistols are supposed to be inaccurate but I hit everyone with the first shot) one of them tries to run up to my cover and flank me, but I hear him coming. I switch to the right side of the bleachers and shoot him while he’s in the open. After shooting everyone I can see from the bleachers I move to the top of a stack of boxes. I have the high ground and pick off a couple more bad guys who are completely failing to hide. The last target is escorting two hostages and is standing in the middle of a metal building. After I give him a shot to center mass the game is over and I get debriefed by some military officers. It seems that this was training for an important mission (possibly a hostage rescue). The dream ends as a head to a transport plane to leave for the mission.

Paintball Opponent

Context Explanations

I used to play paintball in high school, but we played in dry creek beds not scrapyards.

Plot Holes

No sugar plums.


Covertly Yes


I’m sad about the fact that I haven’t been paintballing in a long time, and I watch too many action movies.


Shooting people in a silver environment means that I will kill to make money (metaphorically?).

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