December 22, 2013

Borderlands, Bugs, and Yellow Balls

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-15


Shane and I are playing Borderlands, but not with controllers. We are living the game. We start out by picking up four bounty missions to kill some dangerous animals. The first three are completed without issues (at least none that I can remember, as this part of the dream is hazy). While heading to the last mission we are stopped by a military roadblock and have to take a different route (this has nothing to do with anything). We find the last animal and it's some kind of large fly that shoots slow moving poisonous yellow balls that can control your mind (all that and more). Shane gets hit by a ball and starts running around on all fours while also shooting yellow balls at me. Then another bigger fly shows up and adds even more flying yellow balls to the picture (by bigger I don’t mean the new fly was scales up, but it was like three of the original fly staked on top of one another. It was quite awkward looking). Now I’m in more of a bullet hell game and am fighting back by deflecting the balls at my attackers. All the yellow balls remind me of tennis and I wish I had a racket. After I've hit the fly creature enough times Shane is released from the mind control and we walk away while the fly is slowly dying of the poison (pretty hard boiled).

Bullet Hell

Context Explanations

Shane is my best friend and we've played Borderlands together quite a bit. Borderlands is a First Person Shooter video game with some fantastical creatures (no yellow ball shooting flies though). As usual, the dream wasn’t that true to the mechanics of the game.

Plot Holes

What happened to the big fly?


Entomologically Yes


Pretty sure this dream just shows that I enjoy playing video games with Shane. We have been doing it for so long that we have a natural rhythm that kicks in whenever we work cooperatively. Having him become mind controlled and losing his support is the worst thing that could happen, but we still came out good in the end.


Shane and I will kick as at video games. I don’t think I needed a dream to tell me that.

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