December 29, 2013

They’re Trying to Kill Jimmy

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-25


Jimmy is in danger of an assassination so we place a force field around him as protection. Next, we pour the inside of the force field full of concrete for even more protection, and Matt and I stand guard around it. We hear a noise in the bushes and head over to investigate. When we turn around there is a drilling device on the back of the concrete block that has sent an object tunneling towards Jimmy. Before we worry about who put it there, we hurriedly break away the front of the concrete and pull Jimmy to safety, just in time. It’s suddenly time to head back to class so Matt and I forget about assassins and leave for the school together. Before entering a classroom, Matt tells me not to worry about the fact that he is in an odd class (one that I would never pick), because he chose it for a reason. I tell him that I haven’t even moved to the next class yet since I keep getting into trouble (also for a reason). We part, knowing we may not see each other for a while.

Drilling Device

Context Explanations

Jimmy was a friend I had in high school.  He was short and I used to be a patronizing ass about it. Matt was a friend who I played online games with in my dorm years at college who I’ve only met in person a couple times.

Plot Holes

How was Jimmy supposed to breath while encased in the concrete block?


Incoherently Yes


Back in the day Matt and I were a good team but I haven’t talked to him in years. Going to different classes represents that our lives moved on from when we used to play online video games all the time and now we don’t stay in contact. I wouldn’t go back to my life in the college dorms, but I miss my friend sometimes.


Jimmy is in serious danger of assassinations. Maybe I should call him, but I don’t know his number so whatever.

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