December 15, 2013

Missions and Museums

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-12


Everyone was split into two competing factions, and both factions were performing missions of some sort. My faction’s mission was accomplished without problems but the other faction’s went wrong and they lost some people. This made us nervous because we knew they would try to even things up during the next mission. On this mission, Ryan was on my team and he was stealing from us or betraying us in some way. Then I suddenly woke up or stopped hallucinating or whatever, and he was sitting in front of me. It was my birthday and he was going to take me to a museum in the country. I didn’t want to go but he thought that it was important that I see it (I gathered the impression that it was before I died or was gone). We started getting dressed to go and he (now Clay) had a clear bubble with a tablet dissolving in it. I was confused about how he planned to drink it because it appeared to be a thin elastic bubble that would burst like a water balloon when opened. He showed me that it was actually semi-rigid by holding it up and drinking some of the water out of a hole in the side.

Water Bubble

Context Explanations

Ryan was a friend in high school who eventually started hanging out with other people (sort of like betraying my faction I guess). Clay is someone who I went to grade school with and I once went to his house for Halloween and it was really boring (similar to someone who would take me to a boring museum).

Plot Holes

Making the whole first half of the story into a hallucination is really weak writing.


Illogically Yes


I’m still not over losing friends in high school or boring Halloweens in grade school. I need to prioritize my problems. Also, I subconsciously think drinking out of a clear plastic container would be neat.


The dissolving tablet means that maybe I should start taking vitamins.

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