December 15, 2013

Vampires with Vision Problems

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-09


A family of vampires is concerned because their daughter is losing her vision. They somehow find a fruit that fixes the problem (convenient). An older male vampire comes to visit and also an aunt and cousin. The adults are having a discussion at the kitchen table while the girl and her (female) cousin eavesdrop outside the room. The adults get angry that the visiting man is rich and that the aunt lost her version. My dream retcons some coke-bottle glasses onto her. The dream switches to a scene with the mother and daughter and they are trying to fix some problems (unspecified) by putting the house out to sea (?). The mother leaves because the process will age anyone inside the house (?!?), but tells the daughter that it will be good for her to stay, which the daughter resents. The daughter then has a large dog with her whose name is Worf and she hugs him (awww). The seas turn rough, Worf is gone like he was never there, and one wall is suddenly missing. The daughter is considering if she could survive the swim to shore.

Angry Seas

Context Explanations

Worf is a character from Star Trek: TNG, but he’s a Klingon not a dog.

Plot Holes

Putting your house out to sea to solve a problem is pretty illogical, but the part that really gets me is that they're vampires for no reason. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything.


Peculiarly Yes


I’m disturbed by the fact that my vision is getting worse as I get older, I pine for the simplicity of a life at sea, I want to hug Worf, and I think that making everyone a vampire can make any story interesting.


The rough seas and the idea of swimming to shore mean that I will face hard times and need to make a difficult decision.

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