December 12, 2013

Africa Escape

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-04


A group of four women and I go to Africa, but while there we get attacked by some mercenaries. Three of the women are abducted but I escape by hiding in the river and breathing through a reed and the black girl in the group impersonates a local and gets away. The black girl and I then try to rescue the others while also having a shaky romantic relationship (brief naked spooning scene!). One girl was sold to a nearby man as a wife and we find and rescue her first. Another girl (Trisha?) was chronically sick and we find her at a tent hospital. It turned out that she had a mayonnaise allergy and was constantly dosing herself to remain sick. We were still looking for the last girl when the dream ended.

Reed Breathing

Context Explanations

Trisha was a girl I had a crush on in high school.

Plot Holes

Impersonating a local seems pretty farfetched, but I think the mayo allergy thing was pretty clever. Can you have a mayo allergy? Also, how am I interacting with all these women without things constantly being awkward?


Yes, and actually justifiable this time


I’m dream racist. But I’m also open to interracial dream relationships. Maybe I was imagining the next script for the Taken movies, where I get to be a young Liam Neeson.


Cancel my African vacation.

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