January 31, 2014

Black Market Child Smuggling

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-31


A roughly 16 year old version of me is working as a courier for the black market. My partner is a girl of about 18, and we work for and old man and drive a black hot rod. After finally making enough money to retire from this dangerous line of work we approach the old man. He offers us one last job and he describes it as delivering two young kids out of a bad situation and removing them to a place where they belong. The old man gives us a small box and direction on a route out of town, possibly to the boarder of a neighboring country. As we drive out of town we are going incredibly fast, and I’m giving rally style pace notes to my partner. At the border there is a volcanic swamp which we have to move through on foot. The swamp is full of knee deep ashy sludge, and pockets of magma can be seen venting to the surface. The magma pockets are glowing spots in the sludge that produce expanding bubbles. We have to cover our eyes when the bubbles burst to protect ourselves from the tiny fragments of lava. After trudging through the swamp we arrive at safety and meet two kids. We are devastated upon realizing that the job is actually to bring these kids back into the town that we were trying to escape from. When we get back to the car our packages exclaim as two helicopters appear, presumably to take them back. My partner and I both pull out sub-machine guns and spray the helicopters with bullets in a nonchalant manner. The smaller chopper crashes into a small shed like building and explodes, while the large troop transport helicopter crashes into a building that resembles an alpine hotel. The body of a soldier is thrown from the wreck, and I shoot it a few times to make sure it stays down. After a brief calm, gunfire begins issuing from the hotel and the soldier on the ground jumps up and runs into the building. The soldiers are wearing body armor that is too thick for the bullets of my sub-machine gun to penetrate so we have to shoot them in the face. A firefight ensues, in which I manage to take a shotgun from one of the soldiers, and my partner and I are able to triumph over a squad of trained soldiers (this part of the dream was fuzzily shown). In what may be a separate dream, I find myself at Shane’s house with him and his brother Jace. We are eating pizza and cheesy bread with two young girls who I take to be the refugees from earlier. I’m making sure that they get plenty to eat. The older girl, I would guess is about 14 years old, stands up and starts telling a story about her cousin. She says that he is always checking her out with the sides of his eyes. She gets right up in front of me and starts singing “Two Eyes, Two Eyes” over and over at me, about how he always had two eyes on her. This makes me extremely uncomfortable. I want to look away, but I think this will be seen as side eying her so I struggle to look directly at her. She is wearing a silk dress, and I admit to myself that she is attractive, but she is too young for me to be comfortable in acknowledging this. The song eventually switches to “Three Eyes, Three Eyes”, implying that an erect penis is now also gazing at her. I’m assuming I fugue out from embarrassment at this point, because next thing I know I’m semi-asleep in a dark room. I hear the door opening slowly and imagine that it is Shane coming in to check on me.

Magma Bubble

Context Explanations

Shane is my best friend, and his younger brother Jace often joined us in our activities. My first boy-girl party and other such events took place at Shane’s house.

Plot Holes

The soldiers surviving the helicopter crash was a stretch, and body armor doesn’t really work in a way that some bullets are incapable of penetrating it. Also, it would have made much more dramatic sense if the person coming into my bedroom had been the girl, but since my assumptions in dreams are rarely wrong it was probably Shane.


No. Two eyes.


The whole first part of the dreams seems like a typical fantasy of being a bad boy black market courier who drives around in a hot rod and shoots down helicopters. The emotionally charged part of the dream was when I was being tormented by the girl. This speaks of a few different issues I have in dealing with women. First is that I get uncomfortable when I’m coerced into being attracted to someone. I desire my affections to be determined by more than just physical appearance. The distressing fact is that my body usually fails to live up to this ideal and can easily be won over by an alluring form. The second thing is that barriers to relationships based on age differences seem kind of arbitrary to me. If two people enjoy each other’s company and get pleasure from a relationship, I don’t see what their ages have to do with anything. I understand that an older person can take advantage of the younger in situations like this, but if both are benefiting I don’t think it is always has to be seen as a bad thing.


Cheesy bread will bring me nothing but pain.

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