January 19, 2014

Air Pirates

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-19


Kyle, Barkley, and I are fighter pilots in the military. We drive from a base in the north-west part of the state to another base in the east-central part. We run into my cousin Steph and promise to meet her for lunch the next day. The next morning we are sent on a mission to fly to the south-west corner of the state. Midway through the flight we are attacked by some rogue native fighter planes (sort of like sky pirates). They all seem to be shooting at just me, and Kyle and Barkley are trying to scare them off my tail without actually shooting them down. There is some tense flying while I am taking constant evasive actions, but the enemy planes eventually run away. We land at the base and I realize that we missed lunch with my cousin. We get ready to drive back to the base (the one in the east-central), and I tell the guys that we missed our lunch date. Barkley doesn’t seem real concerned and Kyle is busy writing out our mission report. I open the car door to start driving back, but Kyle has moved into the driver seat because it is easier to write in. I tell him that he doesn’t have to move because I’m going to call my cousin. When I apologize, Steph isn’t mad because she heard about our dogfight on the news and knew that we weren’t going to make it to lunch. She tells me that we were transferring a nuclear warhead, which happened to be on my plane, and the attack was an attempt to steal it. I hadn't known that our mission was such, but it does explain everything that happened.

Travel Map

Context Explanations

Kyle and Barkley were friends of mine in grade school. Steph is my cousin who lives in the north-eastern part of a state, which is kind of close to the dream geography.

Plot Holes

The existence of sky pirates in the middle of the U.S. is improbable, and the fact that we didn’t want to shoot them down doesn’t really make any sense. A secret mission being explained on the news before the pilots who flew on it know the details is also strange. Another thing I don't get is why the driver seat of a car would be easier to write in. I figure the steering wheel would be more in the way, but what do I know.


Fighter Planes = Yes


The main components of the dream seem to be missing an appointment due to unavoidable circumstances, and getting attacked for something I didn’t know I was carrying. Both of these seem to speak of a feeling of undeserved persecution. This theory is kind of ruined by the fact that I didn’t feel that way in the dream. When I was attacked by the rogue fighters I remember thinking “now this is exciting”, and my cousin learned that we wouldn’t make it to lunch before it was a problem. I guess the dream was about failures to be undeservedly persecuted?


Cross-state travel was in the dream quite a bit. Maybe I should drive somewhere?

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