February 1, 2014

Continental Congress Calumny

Date Dreamed: 2014-02-01


Shane and I are members of the Continental Congress. We aren’t representatives of states, but Shane is a secretary of some type (like a cabinet secretary, not a typist), and I am an adviser. Our friend Kyle is also in the congress, and happens to be the leader (I’m not sure what to call the leader of the Continental Congress). We are talking about how great a leader Kyle is and about how amazing the government is that he established. A British loyalist doubts the effectiveness of our democracy so Shane summons all the members of the continental congress. There is a detail about how this costs $500, but Shane uses his own money because that is how seriously he believes in our government. All the state representatives arrive, and the only person missing from the congress is Kyle. The representatives each in turn describe all the reasons that Kyle is a good leader. Shane and I discuss Kyle’s troubled past, and Shane mentions that it includes some suicide attempts. I begin to have doubts if he is the best person to be running our country. Later, Kyle is gone and that means that I become the president. I’m opposed by some sophistic politician who wants to use his influence to become the president instead of me. He is going to use social tricks to sway people’s opinions against me so that I will be impeached. I decide that the best defense against this is to do my job well, and I don’t want to stoop to his level of cheap ploys to deceive people. The government he will set up is sure to be corrupt so I have to remain president to keep all that we achieved during the revolution.

George Washington

Context Explanations

Shane and Kyle were friends of mine in grade school. Shane was always the organizer of our group and Kyle was more of a popular ladies man, so their roles in the dream make sense. Kyle had some problems with drugs later in life, but I don’t think he ever made any suicide attempts.

Plot Holes

Mostly, I just don’t know how the continental congress worked. How I became president was probably never explained because there was no way to make it sensible.


Yes, but I never inhaled (that joke makes no sense).


I played Assassins Creed III recently, so that is probably where the Continental Congress comes from. I heard that George Washington was often troubled with doubts so that is a likely source for the discussion of Kyle’s past. The relationship with my political rival shows my opinions of politics in general. I hate how members of our government spend so much time trying to get everyone to share their exact views and try to destroy everyone who doesn’t agree. If they would just focus on doing their jobs as well as possible I would be a lot more supportive.


Inheriting power will bring problems, but they can be overcome with hard work.

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