February 11, 2014

Music Video Musts

Date Dreamed: 2014-02-11


I lost most of this dream when I was waking up, but I think it’s worth sharing anyway. I didn’t really have the lucid realization that I was dreaming, so I failed to hold this one in my mind as I woke up. The dream was presented to me by Hank Green so I fully believed in it as fact and confused it for reality. Anyway, the subject of the dream was necessary aspect of music videos. There were three rules, each for a specific genre of music. The one I remember best was that 80’s music videos have to have Jennifer Grey in them. I’m fuzzy on the genre, but I think for country music you were supposed to dance with your back to the camera. The last one retreated back to my subconscious, but it may have concerned rap videos.

Jennifer Grey

Context Explanations

Hank Green teaches me things on the internet. I trust what he tells me to the point where I will accept dream logic as fact. Jennifer Grey was in some iconic 80’s movies.

Plot Holes

I don’t think making videos for music that is over 20 years old is something that people need rules for.


Unquestionably Yes


Music videos are something that I enjoy very much. I always thought my rules would be that you should jump sideways into frame and sing directly into the camera, film on some sort of industrial location, and tell a story that has as little to do with the contents of the song as possible. It was nice to see Jennifer Grey show up. I like when my celebrity cameos are very specific to my obscure tastes. She may have even started out the dream as Jennifer Beals, but then changed to Grey part way through. This is slightly odd, because I’ve seen Flashdance, but never Dirty Dancing.


I need to assume a slightly more skeptical posture toward information from Hank Green. It’s screwing up my dream lucidity.

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