February 10, 2014

Nursing to Nudists

Date Dreamed: 2014-02-10


I’m the only doctor in a small, possibly southern, town. I’m walking down the main street with a boy beside me. A seventeen year old girl walks up to us and she is completely naked. I tell the boy not to look, but he is at the age that there is no possibly way that he could not look. The girl starts asking me for help and is describing a problem, but her accent is so thick that I can’t understand her. At first I think she is describing troubles with her throat and I look into her mouth. This greatly offends her, which is odd for someone standing naked on a public street. Eventually I figure out that she is describing problems with her heart. Through some magical doctor powers, by putting my ear to her chest I’m able to determine that she has fluid around her heart and a buildup of blood platelets. I’m shocked that someone so young would have problems this severe, and realize that she must live in very poor conditions. When I inform the father about his daughter’s health issues, he thinks it would be best not to interfere and let her die. Everyone else I talk to agrees with this since she doesn’t have much to live for and they don’t see the loss in one less poor person. I resent everyone for giving up hope in this young girl, and am determined to help her no matter what.

Still not drawing naked women, and there really wasn’t anything else in this dream.

Context Explanations

I’ve never even been to the south, unless you count Texas.

Plot Holes

Making a complex diagnosis without any equipment is not solid medical practice in my opinion. I could have at least done an ultrasound or something.


Medically Yes


I’ve been reading “To Kill A Mockingbird” and heavily borrowed the plot for this dream. I’m a doctor instead of a lawyer, and there is no racial element, but I’m still the lone man in a southern town trying to defend the disadvantaged. I’m fairly certain that the girl was naked just so I could tell the boy not to do something and then have him do it anyway, which is a common occurrence in the book. It was also implied that she was so rural that she didn’t know any better.


The heart is the source of the problem, and not the throat. I should focus on what people feel, and not on what they say.

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