February 7, 2014

Motel Murderer

Date Dreamed: 2014-02-07


I’m sleeping in a hotel room (I changed the title for alliterative purposes). During the night I get the impression that someone is in the room and they are threatening to murder me. The next day when I tell people about this they assume I was dreaming. I conduct research into some guy, who hates me for unspecified reasons, and find that he has access to the key card machine where I am staying. Motive and opportunity still aren’t enough evidence to convince anyone that I’m in danger. That night I wake up to the feeling of being misted with water in my bed. It's raining outside and my assailant has opened the windows in my hotel room. I stir but don’t open my eyes. He notices my movement and closes the window since he doesn’t actually want to wake me up. Assuming I’m still asleep, he starts talking to me. He's describing when and how he is going to kill me and reveling in his power over my seemingly unconscious and helpless form. I continue to lie still and motionless and wish that I had my tape recorder to gather evidence against him. As he leaves he opens the windows again and turns on a light to provide clear evidence of his presence, as a way of tormenting me. When he's gone I get up and close the window and turn the light off again. I consider bolting the door from now on, but that would tip him off and I still wanted to gather more concrete evidence. Later, I get a threat filled email from him, which isn’t a very subtle way to commit murder.

Murderer standing over a sleeping me

Context Explanations

I sleep with a tape recorder next to my bed. That is how I initially record these dreams.

Plot Holes

Power hungry sociopaths are usually depicted as criminal masterminds, but this one seems pretty ham fisted.


Spookily Yes


This wasn’t a nightmare since I can’t remember being scared at any time during the dream. I was exasperated when nobody believed me, and I was mostly intrigued by my would be murderer. The whole thing seemed like a hip TV show crime investigation, and I completely failed to act like I was the intended victim. At my old job I used to stay in hotels when working in the field. My boss once told me a story about another guy in the company who was continuously threatened by one of the workers on a field job. I would guess this is what inspired the dream, although an excavator was not the promised instrument of my demise.


Maybe I should start locking my door, but nah.

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