January 28, 2014

The Green Room Gateway

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-27


The story opens with four friends arriving at a comedy club where one of them is about to perform. They are hanging out in the green room before the show, and they carry on in such a way as to give the audience a picture of all their characters. All this subtle exposition tires them out, so they try to get some rest before the show in the cots that happen to be provided. The tall, slim friend, who is somewhat wry and acerbic but still likeable, disappears under his covers. When the others investigate, they find a time portal concealed under his blanket. Everyone jumps in to rescue their friend, and thus begins a wacky adventure.

Time Portal

Context Explanations

Once again, my subconscious is pitching story ideas to me while I sleep.

Plot Holes

Cots in a green room. Also, a comedian traveling with an entourage of friends probably doesn’t happen very often.


For the time travel, yes (it's the greatest plot device ever).


I can’t say that I consciously desired the beginning of a story that involved time travel and also an excuse for the characters to have suspiciously comedic banter during crisis situations. Now that I have one (albeit one that doesn’t make complete sense), I guess I won’t complain. It amuses me that my dream didn’t actually come up with character dialog for the scene, but just straight out told me that some conversations should take place that exposes everyone’s personalities. This is probably excusable story writing practices, since it wouldn’t be smart to nail down all your character arcs before you had a full plot worked out. We did get a description of the one to fall into the time portal though, because making bad things happen to the melancholic character makes for the most drama (I’m assuming the characters are based on the four humors, because that is just how I typically write a group of four).


Four, the color green, and time. The Denver Broncos have lost four Super Bowls in the past. They will lose the next one. Football fields are green.

Update: My prediction was correct! I can officially predict the future with my dreams.

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