January 8, 2014

Karting Characters

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-08


We are about to play Mario Kart and everyone is picking their character. I go first and pick Luigi, but I make sure to go really fast so no one else can get Luigi first. Kyle goes next and picks random (probably because he really wanted Luigi) so he ends up with Koopa Troopa. Kris’s brother (whose name I can’t remember but don’t feel bad about) is waiting to pick his character until Kris gets back from upstairs. That was it. That was the whole dream.

Koopa Troopa

Context Explanations

I went to grade school with Kyle and we played plenty of Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 together. I once played Mario Kart on the Wii at Kris’s house and his brother was there.

Plot Holes

I want to say we were playing on the Nintendo 64, but Koopa Troopa wasn’t a character in that game. We couldn’t have four players on the Super Nintendo, and I really don’t think we were on the Wii. Also, I don’t remember any game having a random character option.


Nostalgically Yes


My urgent desire to pick Luigi might be some sort of persecution complex or extreme competitive desire. Seems like a stretch though. I’m pretty sure it's just the way a child behaves when picking a character he is excited about, which fits better with the dream. Waiting for Kris is definitely my impatience with advances in space travel though.


Koopa Troppa is a turtle (or maybe they were terrapins?), and turtles symbolize never leaving you house. Don’t expect to see me outdoors in the next few days.

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