January 7, 2014

Barehanding Baseballs

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-07


Adam, Brandon, Brandon’s younger brother (whose name I can’t remember, which I feel bad about), and I are walking to baseball practice. I’m talking about how I regret never making any sweet barehanded plays in my baseball career. I would settle for either having snatching a ground ball with my right hand and bypassing the mitt for a quick throw, or the always stupendous double play move of barehanding a tossed ball while standing on second to immediately make a throw to first (bonus if the other fielder scooped and tossed the ball with his mitt and never touched it with his throwing hand). Everyone agrees with me that these are in fact some of the greatest thing that a baseball player can do (other than a one man triple play). While talking we’ve been tossing a baseball back and forth between us in little lobs.

Tossing a Ball

Context Explanations

Brandon and his brother were on my team during the last year I played baseball. Adam was on a different team but I knew him from school.

Plot Holes

Other than the fact that I was never on a baseball team with Adam, this could have happened. I never really walked to baseball practice either but that’s just a quibble.


Barehandedly Yes


I really do have regrets about not making any cool barehanded plays. I fully admit that I haven’t come to terms with this, and I probably never will. Once in high school gym we played softball, and there weren’t enough gloves to go around. I made a few catches in the outfield without a mitt, but we were using a ragball so it wasn’t anything that impressive. On a tangential note, at the beginning of that day I had a mitt and was swapping it between innings with a girl on the other team. I ended up giving the mitt away to a girl on my team who didn’t have a glove since I figured I didn’t really need one. Then when the girl showed up to swap again I told her I had given the mitt away and she got annoyed. This was more interaction than I usually had with women in high school, and I feel bad about screwing it up (as I always do). Also, Adam had an identical twin who wasn’t in this dream at all. I guess that means that I identify them as completely separate individuals.


In the context of the dream I was regretting never making any barehanded plays while still involved in playing baseball. The fact that my regret was projected through future baseball playing means that I will never accomplish this goal. 

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