January 10, 2014

Gardening Advice

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-10


Some friends and I are working at a garden. There are a multitude of small tilled plots (about 30’x15’) with grass paths in between. We walk around and I’m pointing out the different plants. I’m surprised how the others don’t know common garden vegetables (I guess everyone doesn’t have a garden in the back yard as a kid). Next we all start planting some seeds. We have stakes set up with string lines to keep our planting rows straight and I’m giving advice about proper seed depth and what not. We plant something that needs to be widely spaced, and I tell Brandon to plant a couple seeds evenly spaced in the plot. He then plants one dead center and one on the very edge. This annoys me, so I dig them up and replant them spaced by thirds. 

Garden Plot

Context Explanations

I went to high school with Brandon. He was also in my grade school class but moved to Australia half way through the year.

Plot Holes

Not really sure who’s garden this is, but that’s nothing major.


Horticulturally Yes


I kind of wish I had a garden. It’s one of the main things I dislike about living in an apartment. I always had good times working in my dad’s garden as a kid. The conversation with me being shocked by other's lack of garden knowledge was something that actually happened. Planting depths are totally written on the seed packets, so this isn't some special knowledge that I have.


I can’t think of anything to go with halves and thirds. I looked up garden in a dream dictionary and it says a garden indicates hard work that will pay off in the end. It also symbolizes stability, potential, and inner growth. Plus I need to nurture a new skill. That all sounds kind of lame, so let’s just play it safe and say spring is coming (eventually). 

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