January 15, 2014

Corporate Corruption

Date Dreamed: 2014-01-15


A man and a woman decide to exact vigilante justice on a local drug dealer. The dealer in question is operating in a large concrete plaza, with his back to a retaining wall in what could only be described as a shady manner. Our heroes confront him, and then beat him up. The police arrive and the drug dealer is taken away in an ambulance. The man and woman are trying to explain their reasons to the police, but then some high ranking detectives pull them aside. The detectives explain that the dealer was just the tip of the iceberg, and that the real problem is located in the corporate office building at the head of the plaza. The detectives can’t get into the building (not enough evidence to get a warrant sort of thing), so the main characters agree to go in to try to uncover what is going on inside. They just walk right into the building and start wandering around. Past the wide open foyer, and through some labyrinthine shelving, they come to a collection of desks where people are working. Immediately, they notice a nun loading money onto a black duffle bag that looks similar to a bag carried by the dealer they beat up earlier. The female vigilante dumps the bag out and starts asking pointed questions about what it’s for. She turns around and sees another working loading various items into a duffle bag. She then starts shouting to everyone in the office about how she has only been in the building a few minutes and has already noticed two instances of questionable actions. She asks why no one has come forward and exposed the company’s clandestine activities. The woman notices an executive whispering to the fat man who leads the security personnel, and the security forces start deploying around her. Now seems like a good time to leave, and she starts moving back to the building entrance. When she emerges into the foyer, she finds one fat security officer, holding a bow, who is guarding the main building exit and a second who is guarding the hallway to the elevators. She dodges back into the high shelves to avoid arrow fire, and runs deeper into the building. After weaving a complicated escape route through the shelves, she finds another fat guy with a bow guarding the stairs. She is able to get behind him with a feint and descends the stairs into the basement, taking whole flights of stairs in single leaps. Screams are heard as the guards turn on all the panicking workers. The woman runs through the dark basement corridors for a way before entering a shower room to hide. When she passes two frantic women running out of the showers and shouting warnings she drops into a slide and skids across the wet floor. She comes to a stop at the far end of the room without finding any threats. The dream ends with a classic failure to resolve the story.
Fat Security Guard with a Bow

Context Explanations

My brain was crafting this one out of whole cloth.

Plot Holes

The fact that the woman smuggling money for the corporation was a nun seemed a bit strange. Without explanation the male vigilante simply disappeared from the dream half way through, but he wasn’t really needed in the story anymore I guess. Also, bow wielding security guards seem an odd choice. Maybe they didn’t want gunfire to be heard from outside the building.


Excitingly Yes


This is my favorite type of dream. These fictional stories created by my subconscious are the reason I started writing these down. The best part is that I’m not in the dreams, and just watch them like a movie. Anyway, this one seems like pretty stereotypical action movie writing. The honorable detectives who are handicapped by their own system are hardly new characters, and corrupt corporations seem to be the favorite villain or our times (evil hackers are also popular, but I’m glad my dream didn’t try to add to the bad reputation that has already been built around the title “hacker”). As for clues about my subconscious that can be pulled from the dream, the fact that all the armed security officers were fat might be telling. It speaks of a distrust of overweight individuals, but also seems to harken to an old video game practice of having similar enemies use the exact same character design.


If I find myself being pursued by evil henchman through a shower room I should drop into a slide, because it will look really stupendous.

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