December 12, 2013

Varsity Cardboard Construction Team

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-06


Members of  my old sports teams are building a giant cardboard dragon emerging out of a hillside. I’m not helping to build it but I keep walking past and eventually stop to talk with everyone. It starts to rain heavily and they have to stop building (the cardboard is totally okay though). We all make plans to go somewhere to eat. I get a ride in someone’s SUV and when we get to the restaurant we all sit at a big cafeteria table and reminisce about old football games we played and argue which teams were better.

Cardboard Dragon

Context Explanations

The cast is mostly based on my school’s seventh grade football teams (my school had two teams for that grade), but there are a few extras thrown in randomly.

Plot Holes

Everything? I guess it does follow an odd logic of sorts.




I’d recently played Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, so that’s where the dragon came from. The cardboard construction probably came from this They Might Be Giants music video. All the reminiscing was repeats of actual conversations that we used to have in the school lunchroom. This is all way too practical so let’s just say the whole thing actually represents my mother.


Stay dry.

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