December 22, 2013

Hitting Vampires with Folding Chairs

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-19


I’m running with two other survivors through a warehouse trying to escape some vampires. One of my companions is carrying a folding table and when we get to an overhead door we use it to make a barricade. The opening is wider than the table so we start adding folding chairs next to the table. More survivors start helping us build the barricade (aka waist high line of folded chairs), but now the vampire leader is taking chairs off from the other side. To stop him, I pick up one of the chairs and hit him in the head with it. The chair caused no damage other than messing up his hair. After I've been beating their leader about the head and shoulders for a while the vampires leave the warehouse (for reasons other than fear of folding chairs). Our group of survivors follow them out into an industrial park filled with numerous brick warehouses and grass lawns in between asphalt paths. Five female vampires break off from their pack to slow us down. I engage them, still wielding my folding chair. The vampires can run fast but can't turn well, so the fighting consists of them charging and me sidestepping and hitting them in the back. I'm trying to keep from getting surrounded while also leading them away from my group. One vampire heads towards the other survivors and I pursue. She finds three babies lying on the ground undefended. The dream ends just when things are getting exciting.

Chair meets vampire head

Context Explanations

Pure fantasy here.

Plot Holes

Were we in a warehouse full of folding furniture? Why would we follow the vampires that we were just running from? It was also daylight out, so I guess the vampires were daywalkers.


Industrially Yes


The vampires are my problems and the barricade of folding chairs is my feeble attempts to solve them. When the vampires leave it is the same as when my problems solve themselves, and then I follow because I find the conclusion somewhat unsatisfying.


I should try to keep a better weapon than a folding chair handy in case I get attacked by vampires in the future.

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