December 22, 2013

Runaway Dog in a Thunderstorm

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-14


I’m going to sleep in my childhood bedroom (but with the furniture completely wrong). My sister’s dog Ziggy is with me. A thunder storm starts and when I look out the window I see four Volkswagen sized clouds in a row flying past the window at a low altitude. They resemble jellyfish as they alternate flashes of lightning. Ziggy sticks his head out of the window, and before I can stop him he jumps through (we’re on the second story). Looking down, I see he’s alright but he jumped so far that he landed on the other side of the neighbor’s fence. I frantically run outside to rescue him from the storm. The fence isn’t enclosed, so I run around the front of the property and attract Ziggy’s attention. We then hurry back to the house.

Thunder Clouds

Context Explanations

Ziggy and I have a tenuous relationship and I often find him annoying.

Plot Holes

Why was my window open during a thunderstorm?


Oddly Yes


My old dog used to freak out during thunder storms and I’m transferring that to my sister’s dog. Instead of hiding under my end table while shivering and breathing heavy, Ziggy acts really stupid instead. I guess I don’t have a super high opinion of his intelligence.


The four thunder clouds represent the four in 2014, and also the four horseman of the apocalypse. The world is going to end on New Year’s Eve!

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