December 12, 2013

Hostile Softball

Date Dreamed: 2013-12-05


I’m playing softball. We don’t have enough people for a full team but we play anyway. While my team is batting I want to go base coach (I love base coaching) but the batting order is so short that I can’t leave (we’re somehow only batting five people although we’re fielding at least eight). We have runners on first and second, and when I’m heading out to bat I’m told someone else can’t play and I’m given their gear bags (for some reason?). When I get to the plate I have to set everything down and this annoys the pitcher who happens to be Anna. The first pitch is a ball (high) and the other team doesn’t have a catcher, so I have to retrieve the ball and throw it back. The next pitch is outside and the third one is a “chin music” fast pitch (we’re playing slow pitch). Anna gets even angrier when I take my base (only one, which confirms this isn’t co-ed league) because I don’t retrieve the ball. She throws a fastball over the plate and the umpire (who is also their coach?) counts it as a strike on our next batter before he even gets to the plate. Our runner on third then steals home (turnabout is fair play), grabs the ball, and throws it to me. Anna is furious now and the short stop (Barkley, who doesn’t really seem angry) gives her a baseball. She throws the ball at me but I block it with the softball I’m holding. Then she and the second basement are both threatening to throw balls at the same time, but I’m confident that the second baseman is going to miss.

Softball Standoff

Context Explanations

Anna and Barkley are friends of mine from grade school and they were also on my pee-wee baseball teams. Not necessarily context, but in my old softball league we started with 1-1 counts, so it only takes three balls to walk, and in the co-ed league men take two bases on a walk. Men also had to bat left handed in co-ed, which I wasn’t doing.

Plot Holes

Where are all these baseballs coming from?




I’m afraid of people who get irrationally upset over trivial matters (maybe women with power too?). More importantly, I still haven’t gotten over all the times people missed our softball games.


Barkley was shown playing short stop, and will soon be promoted to a position of prestige and authority.

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