April 1, 2014

Ignoring NASA


My immediate family and I all work for NASA and my mother and sister are about to leave on a mission. They will be travelling around at relativistic speeds, so for an observer on Earth they won’t be back for at least 100 years. We are discussing the mission with some random crew member as the ship is being loaded, but the conversation somehow pertains to a book about our current actions. I haven’t read this far in the book yet so I’m trying to follow along. They inform me that I’m going to stow away on the ship against the wishes of NASA. The crew will be in stasis for most of the trip so my presence won’t cause a supply problem (I got worried about this mid-dream). I also have my own stasis chamber that I personally built. We learn that NASA is threatening further missions if I join this one. They will delay the next mission for five years and will institute even harsher punishments for future stowaways. We don’t really care and now my dad has decided to join the mission as well. NASA threatens to take away the electron from our family crest (pictured below) if we proceed with the plan, and we all think that they are being completely unreasonable about trying to split up our family.

Family Crest


I’ve always wanted to work for NASA, but I hope they aren’t such jerks in real life. All their threats were pretty hollow though, since it’s hard to punish someone who won’t be around for the next 100 years.

The part where my own future was being told to me from a book was pretty bizarre. I was being informed of decisions like I had already made them and I just followed along. I guess this is somewhat similar to many of my dealings with my family. When we gets together I’m just informed of it and go along. I don’t make any real decision to participate and just do what's expected of me. I’m not saying that I don’t like seeing my family, but it does bother me a little how passive I am about it.


NASA threatened to take away our electron, which is something that represents negativity. My family or I might lose something negative, possibly through science.

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