February 6, 2014

Exes at the Movies

Date Dreamed: 2014-02-06


Adam, Kirk, Maison, and I are driving to the movie theater. We are in some sort of hatch back or minivan, and Kirk is driving. We arrive at the theater parking lot and get out. I notice the back hatch is open so I slam it closed, nearly hitting Kirk. I apologies for almost smashing him and can’t explain why I would close the hatch without looking. Everyone walks into the theater except for Kirk, who is reparking the car for some reason. Maison mentions that he is going to buy the car from Kirk. Just outside the theater I meet Randy; a girl I used to know. I bluff my way though some conversational pleasantries as I don’t remember her very well, and then finally get inside the building. The movie we are seeing is “Technically Speaking, It’s a Wonderful Life”. It is a new hit comedy and everyone is telling me how great it is. I think it actually looks pretty stupid, but I keep this opinions to myself. The lobby is a wide open room with linoleum floors, two rows of Ionic columns, and potted plants in all the recesses. There is no sign of a concessions stand, and the ticket seller is at a small podium in the center of the room. While we walk up to get our tickets Maison asks me to hide him and is walking behind me to use me as a screen. This doesn’t work, because his ex-girlfriend pops up and starts talking to him. She is there with Randy, and now they are both talking to use while we just try to buy our tickets. I pretend not to know the name of the movie when I ask for my ticket so that I can claim that I had no desire to watch this movie. The dream ends as I get my ticket and join Adam at the back of the lobby, while Maison is still getting uncomfortable chatting with his ex and Kirk still hasn’t come in from parking the car.

Theater Lobby

Context Explanations

These are all people I knew in high school. I barely even knew Maison or Randy, so their appearance is somewhat odd.

Plot Holes

I’m wasn’t that good of friends with these people, so I don’t know why I would join them in seeing a movie I thought would suck.


Cinematically Yes


The main thing here is that I sometimes engage in social events that I have no desire to attend. I will endure hours of torturous boredom for no rational reason that I can think of. Mostly I think I just don’t want to have to make up an excuse to get out of going. This ties in with my fairly picky taste in movies. If a movie isn’t intellectually stimulating, masterfully crafted, or uniquely original I don’t have much interest in seeing it (I’ll also watch it if it was made in the 80’s). Another thing I don’t like is running into old girlfriends. I only have one, but I broke up with her for a reason and am not very interested in what she has been up to since then.


Be careful when closing doors, and keep a lookout for old acquaintances.

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